- generateUniform(MrObjectsDataTree, Map<String, MrUniformKey>, MrObjectData) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformgenerator.MrUniformGenerator
- GENERATOR_BONE_MATRIX - Static variable in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformgenerator.MrUniformGenerator
- GENERATOR_MATERIAL_AMBIENT_COLOR - Static variable in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformgenerator.MrUniformGenerator
- GENERATOR_MATERIAL_AMBIENT_INTENSITY - Static variable in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformgenerator.MrUniformGenerator
- GENERATOR_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE_COLOR - Static variable in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformgenerator.MrUniformGenerator
- GENERATOR_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE_INTENSITY - Static variable in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformgenerator.MrUniformGenerator
- GENERATOR_MATERIAL_SPECULAR_COLOR - Static variable in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformgenerator.MrUniformGenerator
- GENERATOR_MATERIAL_SPECULAR_INTENSITY - Static variable in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformgenerator.MrUniformGenerator
- GENERATOR_MODEL_MATRIX - Static variable in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformgenerator.MrUniformGenerator
- GENERATOR_MODEL_VIEW_MATRIX - Static variable in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformgenerator.MrUniformGenerator
- GENERATOR_MODEL_VIEW_PROJECTION_MATRIX - Static variable in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformgenerator.MrUniformGenerator
- GENERATOR_NORMAL_MATRIX - Static variable in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformgenerator.MrUniformGenerator
- GENERATOR_PROJECTION_MATRIX - Static variable in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformgenerator.MrUniformGenerator
- GENERATOR_TEXTURE_SAMPLER - Static variable in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformgenerator.MrUniformGenerator
- GENERATOR_VIEW_MATRIX - Static variable in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformgenerator.MrUniformGenerator
- genFragmentShader(String) - Static method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.shader.MrShader
- genIndexBuffer(int) - Static method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.mesh.MrBuffer
Creates an IBO with the given capacity
- genVertexBuffer(int) - Static method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.mesh.MrBuffer
Creates a VBO with the given capacity
- genVertexShader(String) - Static method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.shader.MrShader
- get(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getActions() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.skeleton.MrSkeleton
- getActionType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.action.MrSkeletalAction
- getActiveCamera() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.scenetree.MrSceneTreeData
- getActiveCamera() - Method in class mr.robotto.scenetree.MrSceneTree
- getAmbient() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.material.MrMaterial
- getAsMatrix() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrTransform
- getAspectRatio() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.lens.MrLens
- getAttachedObject() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrObjectController
- getAttachedObject() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrEventsListener
Gets the object which this event listener is attached to
- getAttributes() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrShaderProgram.Data
- getAttributes() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrShaderProgram
Gets all attributes defined in this shader program
- getAttributeType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.mesh.MrBufferKey
Gets the attribute type
- getAttributeType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.shader.MrAttribute
- getBitmap() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrTexture.Data
- getBitmap() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrTexture
- getBoneMatrix() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.skeleton.MrBone
- getBones() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.action.MrFrame
Gets the bone map of this bone
- getBoolean(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getBooleanArray(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getBoundMesh() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.renderer.MrRenderingContext
- getBoundShaderProgram() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.renderer.MrRenderingContext
- getBoundTexture() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.renderer.MrRenderingContext
- getBufferDataType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.mesh.MrBuffer
Gets the data type used in this buffer
- getBufferKeys() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrMesh.Data
- getBufferKeys() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrMesh
Gets all buffer-keys defined in this mesh
- getBufferSize() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.mesh.MrBuffer
Returns the capacity of this buffer
- getBufferTarget() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.mesh.MrBuffer
Gets the buffer target
- getBufferUsage() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.mesh.MrBuffer
Gets the buffer usage
- getByte(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getByteArray(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getByteSize() - Method in enum mr.robotto.engine.commons.MrDataType
Gets the mByteSize in bytes of this type
- getByType(MrSceneObjectType) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.scenetree.MrSceneTreeController
- getByType(MrSceneObjectType) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.scenetree.MrSceneTreeData
- getByType(MrSceneObjectType) - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
- getByType(MrSceneObjectType) - Method in class mr.robotto.scenetree.MrSceneTree
- getChar(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getCharArray(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getChildren() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
- getChildrenOf(V) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.collections.MrTreeMap
Gets the children of an element
- getChildrenOf(MrObject) - Method in class mr.robotto.scenetree.MrSceneTree
- getChildrenOfByKey(K) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.collections.MrTreeMap
Gets the children of an object using its key
- getChildrenOfByKey(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.scenetree.MrSceneTree
- getClearColor() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrSceneController
- getClearColor() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrSceneData
- getClearColor() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrScene
- getClipEnd() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.lens.MrLens
- getClipStart() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.lens.MrLens
- getColor() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.material.MrMaterialLight
- getColor() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrLightData
- getController() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.renderer.MrRenderer
- getController() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrCamera
- getController() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrModel
- getController() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the object controller of this object
- getController() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrScene
- getController() - Method in class mr.robotto.scenetree.MrSceneTree
- getCount() - Method in enum mr.robotto.engine.commons.MrDataType
Gets the number of elements it contains, for instance, a vec3 will return 3
and matrix4 will return 16
- getCount() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrMesh.Data
- getCount() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrMesh
Gets the number of faces of this mesh
- getCount() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.shader.MrUniform
- getCount() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformkey.MrUniformKey
- getCount() - Method in interface mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrLinearAlgebraObject
- getCount() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrLinearAlgebraObjectContainer
- getCount() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrMatrix4f
- getCount() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrQuaternion
- getCount() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrSamplerIndices
- getCount() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrVector3f
- getCount() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrVector4f
- getData() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrComponent
Gets the data layer linked to this object
- getData() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrMesh
- getData() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrShaderProgram
- getData() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrTexture
- getData() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrModelController
- getData() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrObjectController
- getDataType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.mesh.MrBufferKey
Type stored, it will be usually a numeric type such as float, short,...
- getDataType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.shader.MrAttribute
- getDataType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.shader.MrUniform
- getDataType() - Method in interface mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrLinearAlgebraObject
- getDataType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrLinearAlgebraObjectContainer
- getDataType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrMatrix4f
- getDataType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrQuaternion
- getDataType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrSamplerIndices
- getDataType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrVector3f
- getDataType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrVector4f
- getDiffuse() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.material.MrMaterial
- getDouble(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getDoubleArray(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getDrawType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrMesh.Data
- getDrawType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrMesh
Gets the current draw type for this mesh
- getEventDispatcher() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.scenetree.MrSceneTreeController
- getEventDispatcher() - Method in class mr.robotto.MrRobottoEngine
Gets the attached event dispatcher
- getEventsListener() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrObjectController
- getEventsListener() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the current event listener
- getFloat(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getFloatArray(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getForward() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrTransform
- getForward() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the positive Y axis of this object local axis in world coordinates
- getFovy() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.lens.MrPerspectiveLens
- getFps() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.action.MrSkeletalAction
- getFPS() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.renderer.MrRenderer
- getFragmentShader() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrShaderProgram.Data
- getFragmentShader() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrShaderProgram
Gets the Fragment Shader linked to this program
- getFrameNumber() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.action.MrFrame
Gets the frame number
- getGeneratorName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformkey.MrUniformKey
- getHeight() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.lens.MrLens
- getHeight() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.renderer.MrRenderingContext
- getId() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrShaderProgram.Data
- getId() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrShaderProgram
Gets the ID of this Shader Program
- getId() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrTexture.Data
- getId() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrTexture
- getId() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.mesh.MrBuffer
Gets the GPU id of this buffer
- getId() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.mesh.MrBufferKey
Gets the attribute id obtained from GPU
- getId() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.shader.MrShader
- getId() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.shader.MrUniform
- getIndex() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrTexture.Data
- getIndex() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrTexture
- getIndex() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.shader.MrAttribute
- getIndexBuffer() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrMesh.Data
- getIndexBuffer() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrMesh
Gets the IBO linked to this mesh
- getInt(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getIntArray(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getIntensity() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.material.MrMaterialLight
- getKeyFrameIndices() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.action.MrKeyFrameList
- getKeyOf(V) - Method in interface mr.robotto.engine.collections.MrMapFunction
Gets the key of the given object v
- getLens() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrCameraController
- getLens() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrCameraData
- getLens() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrCamera
- getLevel() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformkey.MrUniformKey
- getLights() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.scenetree.MrSceneTreeData
- getLights() - Method in class mr.robotto.scenetree.MrSceneTree
- getLocation() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.skeleton.MrBone
- getLocation() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrTransform
- getLocation() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the location of this object
- getLong(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getLongArray(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getLookAt() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrCameraController
- getLookAt() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrCameraData
- getLookAt() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrCamera
- getMagFilter() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrTexture.Data
- getMagFilter() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrTexture
- getMapFunction() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.collections.MrTreeMap
Gets the current map function of this tree
- getMaterials() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrModelController
- getMaterials() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrModelData
- getMaterials() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrModel
Gets the materials used by this model
- getMesh() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrModelController
- getMesh() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrModelData
- getMesh() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrModel
Gets the mesh attached to this model
- getMinFilter() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrTexture.Data
- getMinFilter() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrTexture
- getModels() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.scenetree.MrSceneTreeData
- getModels() - Method in class mr.robotto.scenetree.MrSceneTree
- getMotionEvent(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrComponent.Data
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrComponent
Gets the name of this component
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrMesh.Data
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrMesh
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrShaderProgram.Data
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrShaderProgram
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrTexture.Data
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrTexture
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.action.MrSkeletalAction
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.material.MrMaterial
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.shader.MrAttribute
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.shader.MrUniform
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.skeleton.MrBone
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrObjectController
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrObjectData
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.loader.core.MrObjectLoader
- getName() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the name of this object
- getNumBones() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.skeleton.MrSkeleton
- getObject(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.MrRobottoEngine
Searchs an object
- getObjectController() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrEventsListener
Gets the object controller which this event listener is attached to
- getObjectsDataTree() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.scenetree.MrSceneTreeData
- getObjectsTree() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.renderer.MrRenderingContext
- getOperator() - Static method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrMatrix4f
- getOperator() - Static method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrQuaternion
- getOperator() - Static method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrVector3f
- getOperator() - Static method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrVector4f
- getParent() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
- getParentOf(V) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.collections.MrTreeMap
Returns the parent of the element
- getParentOf(MrObjectData) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.scenetree.MrObjectsDataTree
- getParentOf(MrObject) - Method in class mr.robotto.scenetree.MrSceneTree
- getParentOfByKey(K) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.collections.MrTreeMap
Gets the parent of an element using its key
- getParentOfByKey(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.scenetree.MrObjectsDataTree
- getParentOfByKey(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.scenetree.MrSceneTree
- getPointer() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.mesh.MrBufferKey
Index inside the buffer where this element starts
- getPose() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.skeleton.MrSkeleton
- getProgram(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.loader.MrResources
Gets a certain shader program
- getPrograms() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.loader.MrResources
Gets the loaded shader programs
- getProjectionMatrix() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.lens.MrLens
- getProjectionMatrix() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.lens.MrOrthographicLens
- getProjectionMatrix() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.lens.MrPerspectiveLens
- getRegisteredEvents() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrObjectController
- getRegisteredEvents() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrEventsListener
Gets all registered events
- getRegisteredEvents() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets a set of all registered events
- getRenderer() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.ui.MrSurfaceView
Gets the Renderer used
- getRenderingContext() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.scenetree.MrSceneTreeController
- getResources() - Static method in class mr.robotto.MrRobottoEngine
Gets the resources used in scene loading time.
- getRight() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrTransform
- getRight() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the positive X axis of this object local axis in world coordinates
- getRobottoEngine() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the reference to the engine used.
- getRobottoEngine() - Method in class mr.robotto.scenetree.MrSceneTree
Gets the RobottoEngine instance this SceneTree is attached to
- getRoot() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.collections.MrTreeMap
Gets the root object of this tree
- getRoot() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.scenetree.MrObjectsDataTree
- getRoot() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
- getRoot() - Method in class mr.robotto.scenetree.MrSceneTree
- getRotation() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.skeleton.MrBone
- getRotation() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrTransform
- getRotation() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the rotation quaternion
- getScale() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.skeleton.MrBone
- getScale() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrTransform
- getScale() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the scale vector of this object
- getScene() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.scenetree.MrSceneTreeData
- getScene() - Method in class mr.robotto.scenetree.MrSceneTree
- getSceneObjectType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrObjectController
- getSceneObjectType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrObjectData
- getSceneObjectType() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the type of this object
- getSceneObjType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.loader.core.MrObjectLoader
- getSceneTree() - Method in class mr.robotto.MrRobottoEngine
Gets the current scene
- getSceneTreeData() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.scenetree.MrSceneTreeController
- getShaderProgram() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrObjectController
- getShaderProgram() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrObjectData
- getShaderProgram() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the current shader program, if the object has any
- getShaderType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.shader.MrShader
- getShort(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getShortArray(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getSize() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.mesh.MrBufferKey
Lenght of data.
- getSkeletalActions() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrModelController
- getSkeletalActions() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrModelData
- getSkeletalActions() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrModel
Gets the skeletal actions of this model
- getSkeleton() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrModelController
- getSkeleton() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrModelData
- getSkeleton() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrModel
Gets the skeleton of this model
- getSortedModels() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.renderer.MrRenderingSorter
- getSource() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.shader.MrShader
- getSpecular() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.material.MrMaterial
- getStride() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.mesh.MrBufferKey
Number of elements between an element of this attribute and the next one
- getString(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getStringArray(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.events.MrBundle
- getSubTree(V) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.collections.MrTreeMap
Gets the subtree from key element
- getSubTreeByKey(K) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.collections.MrTreeMap
Gets the subtree from key element using key
- getSurfaceView() - Method in class mr.robotto.MrRobottoEngine
Gets the view where the engine is running
- getTexture() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.material.MrMaterial
- getTexture(String) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.loader.MrResources
Gets a certain texture
- getTextureBitmaps() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.loader.MrResources
Gets the loaded bitmaps
- getTextures() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrModelController
- getTextures() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrModelData
- getTextures() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.loader.MrResources
Gets the loaded textures
- getTextures() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrModel
Gets the textures used by this model
- getTransform() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrObjectController
- getTransform() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrObjectData
- getTransform() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the transformation object of this object
- getTraversalMode() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.collections.MrTreeMap
Gets the current traversal mode
- getTree() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the SceneTree which this objects belongs to
- getType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrComponent
Gets the type of this component
- getType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrMesh
- getType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrShaderProgram
- getType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrTexture
- getUniformGenerators() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrObjectController
- getUniformGenerators() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrObjectData
- getUniformGenerators() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the uniform generators associated to this object
- getUniformKeys() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrObjectController
- getUniformKeys() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrObjectData
- getUniformKeys() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the uniform keys provided by this object
- getUniforms() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrShaderProgram.Data
- getUniforms() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrShaderProgram
Gets all uniforms defined for this program
- getUniforms() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.renderer.MrRenderingContext
- getUniformType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.shader.MrUniform
- getUniformType() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformkey.MrUniformKey
- getUp() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrCameraController
- getUp() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.data.MrCameraData
- getUp() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrTransform
- getUp() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrObject
Gets the positive Z axis of this object local axis in world coordinates
- getValue() - Method in enum mr.robotto.engine.commons.MrDataType
Gets the OpenGL mValue of this type
- getValue() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.uniformkey.MrUniformKey
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrMatrix4f
Gets the value of row i and column j
- getValues() - Method in interface mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrLinearAlgebraObject
- getValues() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrLinearAlgebraObjectContainer
- getValues() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrMatrix4f
- getValues() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrQuaternion
Modifying these vaulues you will not change the current quaternion
values, this array is read only
- getValues() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrSamplerIndices
- getValues() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrVector3f
- getValues() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.linearalgebra.MrVector4f
- getVertexBuffer() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrMesh.Data
- getVertexBuffer() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrMesh
Gets the VBO linked to this mesh
- getVertexShader() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrShaderProgram.Data
- getVertexShader() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrShaderProgram
Gets the Vertex Shader linked to this program
- getView() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrComponent
Gets the rendering layer linked to this object
- getView() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrMesh
- getView() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrShaderProgram
- getView() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.comp.MrTexture
- getViewMatrix() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.core.controller.MrCameraController
- getViewMatrix() - Method in class mr.robotto.sceneobjects.MrCamera
- getWidth() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.components.data.lens.MrLens
- getWidth() - Method in class mr.robotto.engine.renderer.MrRenderingContext